Upcoming Website Maintenance:

We have been busy in the background updating our website and ensuring it is ready and able to meet the demands of an ever growing customer base.

Over the next week you may notice some changes, or that our website has become temporarily unavailable.

Once the website maintenance has finished, you will notice a revised design for our website.

Unfortunately, as part of this update, your order history will not be available for you to view. We have your order history available for staff access, so should you need to see this, please just drop us an email at info@geckodiet.co.uk and we will be able to help.

While we have managed to migrate our customer accounts, some people may have trouble logging into the website. If this occurs, please follow the reset password links that will be available on the website login page.

For any further information, please contact us and we will be happy to help.

We would like to thank all of our customers for choosing Gecko Diet and apologise for any inconvenience that may arise from the website maintenance.